two-way slab - translation to ρωσικά
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two-way slab - translation to ρωσικά

One-way slab; Floor slab; Floor-slab; Flatwork; Concrete slabs
  • Concrete poured into formwork. This slab is ground-bearing and reinforced with steel [[rebar]].
  • [[Formwork]] set for concrete pour.
  • The exposed underside of a waffle slab used in a multi-storey building
  • Substrate and rebar prepared for pouring a mud slab

two-way slab      

общая лексика

опертая по контуру плита

плита с перекрестной арматурой

строительное дело

плита с перекрёстной рабочей арматурой

плита, армированная в двух направлениях

two-way slab      
плита с перекрёстной рабочей арматурой; плита, армированная в двух направлениях
waffle slab         
User:Moniortz/New sandbox; Waffle Slab
кессонная плита (перекрытия); железобетонная плита с перекрёстными рёбрами


·add. ·adj Serving to connect at will one pipe or channel with either of two others; as, a two-way cock.


Concrete slab

A concrete slab is a common structural element of modern buildings, consisting of a flat, horizontal surface made of cast concrete. Steel-reinforced slabs, typically between 100 and 500 mm thick, are most often used to construct floors and ceilings, while thinner mud slabs may be used for exterior paving (see below).

In many domestic and industrial buildings, a thick concrete slab supported on foundations or directly on the subsoil, is used to construct the ground floor. These slabs are generally classified as ground-bearing or suspended. A slab is ground-bearing if it rests directly on the foundation, otherwise the slab is suspended. For multi-story buildings, there are several common slab designs (see § Design for more types):

  • Beam and block, also referred to as rib and block, is mostly used in residential and industrial applications. This slab type is made up of pre-stressed beams and hollow blocks and are temporarily propped until set, typically after 21 days.
  • A hollow core slab which is precast and installed on site with a crane
  • In high rise buildings and skyscrapers, thinner, pre-cast concrete slabs are slung between the steel frames to form the floors and ceilings on each level. Cast in-situ slabs are used in high rise buildings and large shopping complexes as well as houses. These in-situ slabs are cast on site using shutters and reinforced steel.

On technical drawings, reinforced concrete slabs are often abbreviated to "r.c.c. slab" or simply "r.c.". Calculations and drawings are often done by structural engineers in CAD software.

Μετάφραση του &#39two-way slab&#39 σε Ρωσικά